how to add bluetooth permission

This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.

I don't know how to add these permissions when i can't find plist files. It is not when any tutorial or document says it is

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Hello ,

You have to go into your project.

Click on your Bluetooth_test app and click “About”.

In the Customs IOS Target table, click Plus and look for Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description. In the Value column, enter your reason for wanting this permission.


In fact that's an issue with SwiftUI projects which do not create by default an Info.plist.

The way I do it:

  • Create a new file of type Property List (with the File > New > File menu)

  • Name it info

  • Now you will see an info.plist in the files hierarchy

  • you can add the bluetooth authorization there.

  • When I add it it does not have the drop-down menus like yours

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Hello ,

You have to go into your project.

Click on your Bluetooth_test app and click “About”.

In the Customs IOS Target table, click Plus and look for Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description. In the Value column, enter your reason for wanting this permission.