Developing standalone and companion watchOS app

I currently have an app that is a companion app alongside the iOS app. I wonder if it is possible for me to make this app both a standalone and a companion app. Essentially if someone does not have an iphone they can still use the app. Is this possible?

It is indeed possible to make the app both a standalone and a companion app alongside the iOS platform. By adopting cross-platform development frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin, the developer can ensure that the app functions seamlessly across various devices and operating systems. This approach allows users without iPhones to access the app's features while maintaining compatibility with iOS devices. With a modular architecture, feature parity, flexible user authentication, and cloud-based services, the developer can offer a consistent experience to users regardless of their device platform. Thorough testing and user support are crucial in ensuring a smooth transition for users accessing the standalone version of the app. Overall, with the right approach and technology stack, the app can effectively cater to a diverse user base across different platforms.

I think I understand what you want to accomplish: to have the app function correctly with or without your iPhone app installed. You still need an iPhone somewhere along the way to pair the Apple Watch, even with Family Setup.

If this is what you're looking for, there are two steps:

  1. In the General settings for your Watch App target in Xcode, check the box under Deployment Settings to allow your Watch App to run without the iOS Application.
  2. Anywhere that your app is relying on an iPhone being present, update your app to run independently. Be sure you keep Family Setup in mind.

That 2nd step is the harder part. These are some resources that may help you determine what needs to change and what strategies you can use to support the app running either with or without your iPhone app:

Developing standalone and companion watchOS app