App installation fails on user enrollement device

When I registered an MDM profile and tried to install an application via MDM on a device on which user enrollment was completed, an error occurred. Is there any countermeasure for this?

errors message

  "CommandUUID": "5xxxx4x8-95bb-4f62-8bb3-1d7e2b044137",
  "EnrollmentID": "7***9774-0373-404B-90CC-5FE8F9B59696",
  "ErrorChain": [
      "ErrorCode": 12008,
      "ErrorDomain": "MDMErrorDomain",
      "LocalizedDescription": "MDM要求が無効です。",
      "USEnglishDescription": "The MDM request is invalid."
  "RejectionReason": "PurchaseMethodNotSupported",
  "Status": "Error"
App installation fails on user enrollement device