AppStoreConnect upload error ITMS-90432 - Unexpected file found in Frameworks

Since yesterday (03/22/24) we are unable to upload new or existing builds to AppStoreConnect.

We get the following error - “Error ITMS-90432 Unexpected file found in Frameworks.” file is in the Frameworks directory, but the Swift runtime libraries are the only files permitted in that directory. Please remove this file and upload a new build. (ID: 57e219ea-d27e-465d-9e9b-ec41d3a0b1f7).

We have tried rebuilding targerts with no changes for Builds that use to upload ok and they now get the same error too.

Is this an appstoreconnect bug? If not where is the Frameworks directory and how do we remove the file?

We found the issue. We had inadvertently added a folder called "Configurations" to the target with a json file in it and for some reason Xcode was adding this to the directory in the DerivedData folder as part of the build process.

The trick to discovering this was working out where is and looking at what is in it. Look in the Derived Data folder (XCode/Settings/Locations/Derived Data

for us:- The derived data folder is /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ and looking in there under MyApp name .......


So we removed Configurations and its contents from the target ( the json was not being used) and AppStore Upload is happy again.

AppStoreConnect upload error ITMS-90432 - Unexpected file found in Frameworks