Privacy manifests for app extensions?

I thought I read somewhere in the privacy manifest documentation that they were not required for app extensions because extensions will inherit the privacy info from their parent apps and SDKs, but now I can't find a reference for that.

If that is the case, I don't think it is working correctly, because we are getting warnings about missing API declarations for things that should be covered by an app or SDK manifest from what I can tell.

I think this is where whether app extensions need a privacy manifest is mentioned.

Same. I'm uncertain about it either since we see same warnings about missing API declarations for *** extensions. And need apple to confirm whether watch extension has its manifest since the watch app bundle contains its own extension.

This is not working as described, then. I received a warning email about a missing API declaration for a widget extension that was already declared in the host app, so I added a separate privacy info file for the extension, and that fixed it. We also have one that is being triggered by a third-party SDK, and I have no idea how to go about fixing that one besides just hard-coding it into the widget's manifest file.

Submitting to testflight, we got warnings for a notification extension as well, despite having added a privacy manifest for the main app target.

I'm getting warnings about missing NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults reason in the app extensions despite the main app having the correct reason in its privacy manifest (and getting no warning about the app missing that reason).

I just tried using only one privacy manifest for the host app and made the manifest have multiple target memberships. It kind of works.

Same here, thanks!

Privacy manifests for app extensions?