Cannot take picture using requestTakePicture

I am currently renovating an application for macOS Sonoma (14.4) which triggers a Canon 60D via USB cable. Unlike what happened before in MacOS 10.6, the camera (ICCameraDevice) has description that contains only 2 capabilities:

    UUIDString = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000004A93215";
    autolaunchApplicationPath = "";
    capabilities =     (
    class = ICCameraDevice;
    connectionID = 0xffff0001;
    delegate = "<0x600003157ac0>";
    deviceID = 0xffff0001;
    deviceRef = 0xffff0001;
    iconPath = "(null)";
    locationDescription = ICDeviceLocationDescriptionUSB;
    moduleExecutableArchitecture = 0;
    modulePath = "/System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/";
    moduleVersion = "1.0";
    name = "Canon EOS 60D";
    persistentIDString = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000004A93215";
    shared = NO;
    softwareInstallPercentDone = "0.000000";
    transportType = ICTransportTypeUSB;
    type = 0x00000101;
}  timeOffset                    : 0.000000
  hasConfigurableWiFiInterface  : N/A
  isAccessRestrictedAppleDevice : NO

As you can see, ICCameraDeviceCanTakePicture is not present now, and so I cannot take a picture with requestTakePicture.

  1. Do I need to do anything special to regain these capabilities, like in older versions of macOS?
  2. Is my only option to use PTP commands?


Cannot take picture using requestTakePicture