RoomPlanUsdz getting morphed

start the session and took a scan everything looks perfect in the 3d while taking but after completing the scan, the 3d model that is presented on the screen is getting morphed within 4 sec gap . first it shows the correct one after 4 to 5 sec the usdz is getting morphed like all the straight walls are transforming into curved and if i have one walls getting some 2 to 3 walls with overlapping. not able to know why it is getting morphed like that.

All I do was presenting the 3d model on the screen from the delegate method should Present -

func captureView(shouldPresent roomDataForProcessing: CapturedRoomData, error: Error?) -> Bool { print("shouldPresentdelegate") if let error = error { print("shouldPresent error::",error) } return true }

first it shows correct next in 4 to 5 sec its again reloads to another 3d form which is not correct at all . is there any reason behind this. can anyone please help me with this.

your help is appreciated. Thankyou.

I think all you need to do is to return false in the method you described above. This will prevent ARP from postprocessing the result as far as i understand and you will be able to verify this when you look at the exported model. The problem that will occur is that you will have to implement a custom visualization for the usd model if you want a instant preview of the scene.

RoomPlanUsdz getting morphed