Sharing a Query in the Environment?

Using SwiftData I have one relatively short list of @Model class objects that are referenced in several views. I thought it would be handy to query once and share via the environment but my Table in other views does not update when data changes as it does when I repeat the Query in each view. Is this a bad idea or perhaps I implemented it improperly?

class AllAccounts: ObservableObject {
  var accounts: [Account] = []
struct ContentView: View {
  @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext

// an instance of the AllAccounts class, will save Query results to all.accounts
  @StateObject var all = AllAccounts() 

 // one query for all accounts once in app, store in the environment`
  @Query private var allAccounts: [Account]
    .onAppear {
      all.accounts = allAccounts
Sharing a Query in the Environment?