iOS 17 Simcard Status

In order to get more accurate compass data it seems that iOS devices with a simcard installed can provide better results. To distinguish between data delivered I would like to retrieve a status telling me if there is a simcard available and connected to the mobile network or not. All recommendations are pointing to the deprecated CoreTelephony functions which are obsolete since I am working with iOS17 devices.

Is there a way to check if the device uses a simcard or not?

In order to get more accurate compass data it seems that iOS devices with a simcard installed can provide better results.

What leads you to believe this is the case? Is it documented by Apple somewhere?

All recommendations are pointing to the deprecated CoreTelephony functions which are obsolete since I am working with iOS17 devices.

And note that various functions are annotated with something like "Deprecated with no replacement".

iOS 17 Simcard Status