"File not found error" for some users on iCloud Drive for iOS

I have an iOS app, based on the Documents Browser. That app has an iCloud folder, following all the instructions (NSUbiquitousContainers dict in Info.plist, and so on). As far as I can tell, it works for most of the users.

But some users report that, after creating a file in the document browser window, they meet a "file not found" error and the app does not load the file.

As far as I can tell:

  • the files are created (the counter is incremented, I've see error with "Untitled 3: file not found").
  • FileManager() sees the files in question.
  • somewhere inside the app, opening this file fails.

How can I fix this? I'm not sure about the prevalence, but it seems to be rare but very annoying for the affected users.

"File not found error" for some users on iCloud Drive for iOS