How can Picker or ColorPicker be used in a volumetric scenes in visionOS?


My app has a volumetric window displaying some 3D content for the user. I would like the user to be able to control the color of the material using a color picker displayed below the model in the same window, but unfortunately neither ColorPicker nor Picker are functional in volumetric scenes.

Attempting to use them causes the app to crash with NSInternalInconsistencyException: Presentations are not permitted within volumetric window scenes.

This seems rather limiting. Is there a way either of these components can be utilized? I could build a different "control panel" window but it would not be attached to the model window and it would get confusing if user has multiple 3d windows open.

Thank you

I could also build my own color picker component, of course, but much rather use Apple's tried and tested components.

Running into a related issue, but in a window, rather than a volume.

Invoking a color well from a view that has a zOffset that moves it closer to the user will result in the ColorPicker appearing behind the view, making it impossible to use.

There just doesn't seem to be any spatial awareness in its presentation.

I ran into the same event, though with Volume. Is this a bug after all?

How can Picker or ColorPicker be used in a volumetric scenes in visionOS?