Video player has an incorrect seek bar time with live stream on iOS 17

I've encountered an issue with the seek bar time display in the video player on iOS 17, specifically affecting live stream videos using HLS manifests with the time displayed in am/pm format.

As the video progresses, the displayed start time appears to shift backwards in time with a peculiar pattern:

Displayed Start Time = Normal Start Time - Viewed Duration

For instance, if a program begins at 9:00 AM, at 9:30 AM, the start time shown will erroneously be 8:30 AM. Similarly, at 9:40 AM, the displayed start time will be 8:20 AM.

This issue is observed with both VideoPlayer and AVPlayerViewController on iOS 17. The same implementation of the video player on iOS 16 displays the duration of the viewed program and doesn’t have any issues.

Please advise on any known workarounds or solutions to address this issue on iOS 17.

Same observation here. iOS17 and iPadOS17 new "hour style" time format displayed for live content is wrong. On older iOS/iPadOS versions and on still on Mac today the "duration style" time format is correct. I wonder if a fix is coming. Following.

Apple can you advise please.

This does sound like some kind of bug, so let's start with a bug report, adding a small test project that demonstrates the problem if possible. Post the FB number here once you do.

Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating your bug report.

Video player has an incorrect seek bar time with live stream on iOS 17