Unsupported method: -[MTLComputeCommandEncoder. encodeStartWhile: offset: comparison: referenceValue:]

it appears that the Metal Debugging interface does not support this method, at least the function hashing algorithm does not have a pattern for it in the symbol dictionary as presented. Where do we get updated C- libraries and functions that sync with the things that are presented in the Demo Kits and Samples that Apple puts in the user domain? Why does this stuff get out into the wild insufficiently tested? It seems thet the demo kits made available to users should be included in the test domain used to verify new code releases. I came from a development environment where the 6 month release cycle involved automated execution of the test suite before it went beta or anywhere else.

I would be happy to discuss integration test strategies with anyone interested.

Unsupported method: -[MTLComputeCommandEncoder. encodeStartWhile: offset: comparison: referenceValue:]