Gesture's value.entity does not have previously set

Hi all, I'm trying to retrieve the name of an entity from the gesture that hits it, but it's not giving me the value I set when I created the entity.

I create the entity like:

class DrumPad: ObservableObject {
    static func create(for audioFileName: String) -> Entity? {
        do {
            let padEntity = try Entity.load(named: "Geometry/pad-without-handle", in: tableDrummerContentBundle)
   = "\(audioFileName)_pad"
            return padEntity
        } catch {
            print("Could not load pad \(audioFileName)")
            return nil

Then I get it from the gesture:

var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            for sampleName in audioSamples {
                guard let pad = DrumPad.create(for: sampleName) else { continue }
            .onEnded { value in

In the gesture handler, print( gives me the name of the root transform of the entity, PadTransform, not the string I set "\(audioFileName)_pad" during instantiation. If I call print( during instantiation, I get rock-kick-2_pad and the like. Any help would be much appreciated.

Gesture's value.entity does not have previously set