In my visionOS app, I'm seeing this error in the console dozens of times. Anyone know what it means, or how to troubleshoot it?
Searching these forums and the usual other places hasn't come up with anything that seems relevant.
In my visionOS app, I'm seeing this error in the console dozens of times. Anyone know what it means, or how to troubleshoot it?
Searching these forums and the usual other places hasn't come up with anything that seems relevant.
Hi, can you share the full log line? Do the log lines related to anything in your app? RealityKit has a lot of logging that is not always actionable by external developers, so as long as you are not seeing any errors that seem related to the logs, you can probably it.
That is the whole line in the log. 😅
I've isolated the code where it's happening, and it looks like it's consistently happening when this function starts an animation:
private func animateFallFrom(_ fall: AnimateCoordinate.From) {
guard let entity = cubeEntityByCoordinate[fall.coordinate],
let fromEntity = cubeEntityByCoordinate[fall.coordinateFrom] else {
assertionFailure("could not find entity for some part of fall")
let endPosition = entity.position
let animationDefinition = FromToByAnimation(
to: Transform(translation: endPosition),
duration: DisplayConfig.current.fallingBlockTimeDuration,
timing: .easeInOut,
bindTarget: .transform,
repeatMode: .none
guard let animationResource = try? AnimationResource.generate(with: animationDefinition) else {
assertionFailure("could not generate animation")
entity.position = fromEntity.position