Can I schedule multi print jobs parallelly in ios using UIPrintInteractionController?

For printing from worker thread to a UIPrinter(whose url i have saved ) i am doing this and able to print :

    func PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:Data)
        // Create a print interaction controller
        let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.shared
        // Set the printing options
        let printInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary:nil)
        printInfo.jobName = "Print Job "
        printController.printInfo = printInfo
        printController.showsPageRange = true
        // Set the PDF document to be printed
        printController.printingItems = pDocument
        printController.print(to: defaulttprinter, completionHandler: { (controller, completed, error) in
            if completed {
                print("Printing successful!")
            } else {
                if let error = error {
                    print("Printing failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                } else {
                    print("Printing was canceled.")

When i call PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:Data) function , more than once with diffrent data shown below : {
    PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:data1)
} {
    PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:data2)
} {
    PrintPdfDocument (pDocument:data3)

Printer is printing only one document(data1) . For other call is not executing printController.print (to....) function inside PrintPdfDocument.

Can I schedule multi print jobs parallelly in ios using UIPrintInteractionController?