Sales reports report type SALES freq DAILY requires version 1_1

I've been utilizing the v1/salesReports endpoint to retrieve a daily summary sales report. Below is an example of the query I use:

Example query[vendorNumber]=***&filter[reportType]=SALES&filter[reportSubType]=SUMMARY&filter[frequency]=DAILY&filter[reportDate]=2024-01-20&filter[version]=1_0

Starting today (23.01.24) I encountered an error stating: :
The version parameter you have specified is invalid. The latest version for this report is 1_1.
This is confusing because according to the documentation, the SALES report should use version 1_0. I attempted to use version 1_1, but it resulted in a 404 error with the message: There were no sales for the date specified.

Interestingly, when I change the frequency to WEEKLY, the request with version 1_0 is processed successfully and contains data.

Is this discrepancy a known issue, or has there been a recent change in the API that I might have missed?


I have the same problem, currently not possible to pull the report on a daily basis with the 1_0 version, 1_1 does not return data at all (were days before were successfully working until yesterday with the 1_0 filter setting).

Please advise @ Apple


The same issue here. Until today everything was fine with 1_0, which is mentioned here


I have the same problem and hope to recover soon.

Same here

+1 I have the same problem.

This can be solved by removing the request parameter version

+1 Same here

Encountered same issue, as a workaround I removed the filter[version] and the report was returned, I noticed as well that reports starting from 2024-01-22 onwards worked when passing the 1_1 version but any dates before this would return empty.

same here

+1 Same for us.

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues downloading this report, please contact Apple Developer Support.

Hi @ Apple,

thank you for the quick help!

I can download all days by using the filter 'version': '1_0'

Sales reports report type SALES freq DAILY requires version 1_1