Persistent Issue with Push Notifications on iPhone Devices

I understand that you are facing an issue with push notifications not being delivered to iPhone devices in your app since January 12, 2024, at 4:05 AM (Japan time). You've confirmed that the APNS authentication key is still valid, and the key itself is correct. Additionally, you mentioned that push notifications are working fine on the sending device.

Despite resetting the authentication key, the problem persists, and you haven't received a specific error code; instead, you are getting a general error message.

To troubleshoot and resolve this issue, you may want to consider the following steps:

Check for Apple Server Status: Ensure that Apple's push notification servers are operational. Sometimes, server outages on Apple's end can affect push notification delivery.

Review Apple Developer Console: Double-check the Apple Developer Console for any relevant messages or issues related to your app and push notifications. It might provide additional insights into the problem.

Check Device Settings: Confirm that the affected iPhone devices have proper network connectivity and are not in a "Do Not Disturb" mode. Also, ensure that the app's notification settings on the user's device are configured correctly.

Review Payload and Certificate: Examine the payload of your push notifications and ensure that it complies with Apple's guidelines. Additionally, verify that your app's push notification certificate is still valid.

Update to the Latest SDK: Make sure that you are using the latest version of the SDK provided by Apple for handling push notifications.

Contact Apple Developer Support: If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Apple Developer Support for further assistance. They may be able to provide specific insights into the problem and guide you through the resolution process.

Implement Logging: Introduce logging mechanisms in your app to capture more detailed information about the push notification process. This can help you pinpoint the exact stage where the issue occurs.

Network Firewall and Proxy: Check if there are any network firewalls or proxies that might be blocking the communication between your server and Apple's push notification servers.

Remember to document any additional information or error messages you receive during the troubleshooting process, as these details will be helpful when seeking assistance from Apple or other developer communities. If the problem persists, seeking professional assistance or consulting with Apple's technical support may be necessary.

【Message content】 Auth error from APNS or web push Service

Persistent Issue with Push Notifications on iPhone Devices