Accessibility Identifiers showing up in inspector, but not Appium

I'm working on converting an app to SwiftUI, and I have a menu that used to be several table cells in a storyboard, but I moved it to an embedded SwiftUI view instead.

Here's the old way (from override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell ):

cellReuseID = "BillingToolsCell"
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellReuseID, for: indexPath)
if let billingToolsCell = cell as? BillingToolsCell {
    billingToolsCell.billingToolsOptions.text = billingTools[indexPath.row].title
    // Accessibility
    billingToolsCell.isAccessibilityElement = true
    billingToolsCell.accessibilityIdentifier = "Billing_\(billingTools[indexPath.row].title.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: ""))"
return cell

And here's the new way I'm creating the cell:

cellReuseID = "BillingToolsSwiftUI"
if let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellReuseID, for: indexPath) as? SwiftUIHostTableViewCell<BillingToolsView> {
       let view = BillingToolsView(billingToolVM: BillingToolViewModel()) { segueID in
            self.performSegue(segueID: segueID)
                   , parent: self)
         return cell

Here's the swiftUI view:

struct BillingToolsView: View {
    @StateObject var billingToolVM: BillingToolViewModel
    var navigationCallback: (String) -> Void
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                ForEach(self.billingToolVM.billingToolList, id: \.self) { tool in
                    Button {
                    } label: {
                        BillingToolsRowView(toolName: tool.title)
                    .accessibilityIdentifier("Billing_\(tool.title.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: ""))")

If I check the accessibility inspector, I can see the identifier - here it is showing Billing_PaymentHistory:

But when the testers try to run their tests in Appium, they don't see any identifier at all:

Did I mess up setting up the accessibility identifier somehow? Or do the testers need to update their script?

Accessibility Identifiers showing up in inspector, but not Appium