How to check my Mac Bluetooth Version(LMP)?

I would like to know how to check the Bluetooth version on macOS.

There have been similar questions in the past, and the answers suggested checking the LMP Version in the system profile to find this information.

However, in the latest macOS (Sonoma - 14.2.1), this method no longer seems to work. According to other posts on platforms like Reddit, it appears that this change has persisted at least until version 12.

I considered using terminal commands for more detailed information, but the results were similar.

❯ system_profiler -detailLevel full SPBluetoothDataType

      Bluetooth Controller:
          Address: 3C:06:30:0F:92:18
          State: On
          Chipset: BCM_4378
          Discoverable: Off
          Firmware Version: 21.1.527.3724
          Product ID: 0x4A01
          Supported services: 0x392039 < HFP AVRCP A2DP HID Braille LEA AACP GATT SerialPort >
          Transport: PCIe
          Vendor ID: 0x004C (Apple)

Wanted to check if anyone here has insights or alternative methods to determine the Bluetooth version on the latest macOS. If there's a command-line solution or any other approach that works with recent macOS versions, I would greatly appreciate the guidance.

No need to check LMP version now. Go to system settings> bluetooth and click on the icon while pressing the option key. You can directly see the Bluetooth version

How to check my Mac Bluetooth Version(LMP)?