when calling APPConnectAPI, It says to me that "This request requires an in-effect agreement that has not been signed or has expired." But when I go to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/agreements/#/, There is no agreements I can agree.
{"status": 403, "msg": "", "data": {"errors": [{"id": "6V4Q4XMVTZIH2URMLCQ5BPD4FU", "status": "403", "code": "FORBIDDEN.REQUIRED_AGREEMENTS_MISSING_OR_EXPIRED", "title": "A required agreement is missing or has expired.", "detail": "This request requires an in-effect agreement that has not been signed or has expired.", "links": {"see": "/agreements"}}]}}
API address: https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/certificates