ManagedSettingsStore.clearAllSettings() sometimes doesn't work

Hi there, just bumping on whether this problem is being looked at. My feedback says there are "no similar reports," but it has been happening since the inception of Screen Time API.

This feedback has two separate sysdiagnoses: FB11888225

To clarify the problem: sometimes when calling ManagedSettingsStore.clearAllSettings(), MY apps shield is cleared but it still shows the Apple's default shield. So the end result is the app remains blocked. I would guess that Apple has code that synchronizes all the settings and as it tried to process my apps settings, it "cleared my apps settings," but failed to clear the "global" settings due to interprocess communication issues. If I am any correct, I'm sure it's tricky to solve, but maybe there can be some patches/hacks to add SOME extra reliability: ex. add timer/cron to double-check the integrity of ManagedSettingsStore.

This is a daily problem for my users, and it's a scary one. Sometimes users delete the app, and the block screens remain. One of the only solutions is to restart their device. Imagine scenarios where users have an emergency, but they aren't able to resolve it.

Here is one App Store 1-star review just to give a picture: "This app wrecked my phone. When 'pausing' a focus session, apps are not available. After a focus session ends, apps are not available. After deleting the app, apps are not available. Thank goodness I removed the Phone app from filtering in case I needed to call 911. This app is extremely dangerous. I am still dealing with website content being blocked. Of all things I can’t access the CaringBridge website to receive updates on my sick friend. I had to get in touch with apple support to fix the damage this app has done to my phone. I have never regretted installing an app more."

As always, I'm always happy to send more data/answer questions.

ManagedSettingsStore.clearAllSettings() sometimes doesn't work