Create ML Swift Student Challenge

Hi Developers,

Can judges download images from the internet for my Create ML Swift Student Challenge Submission 2024?

Thank you

If you need to use images fetched from the internet, the terms say that all resources must be included within the Playground:

"Your creation should not rely on a network connection and any resources used in your app playground should be included locally in the ZIP file. Submissions will be judged offline."

You can store images locally, within your Playground, and "ship" them with your app.

If you are asking if you may use photos from the internet to train ML models, that depends on the usage terms & license. When using photos from the internet, always check the license to see how these may be used and if any attribution is required.

Thanks :)

How do you use CoreML/CreateML in SwiftPM though? I would appreciate any help!

Create ML Swift Student Challenge