Message Filtering Extention Not Working (Site/Fmwk Approval: denied)

Hi, there. I hope I can find a solution here.

I'm making a sms filtering app which apple provides us in a template. And I'm going to use a the server for filtering.

So, as mentioned in the link,

I did all those required, but as I tested the app I found that it was not working and found out that there wasn't any request from the app to the server.

So I check the sysdiagnose - swutil_show.txt file, and this is what I got,

Service: messagefilter App ID: <MyApp> App Version: 1.0 App PI: <LSPersistentIdentifier 0xd5681a0e0> { v = 0, t = 0x8, u = 0x840, db = 91BDA97A-5780-4A70-B971-BC7C7DAA63B8, {length = 8, bytes = 0x4008000000000000} } Domain: <MyDomain> User Approval: unspecified Site/Fmwk Approval: denied Flags: developer Last Checked: 2024-01-06 08:06:47 +0000 Next Check: 2024-01-11 07:41:14 +0000

As you can see, I got denied in Site/Fmwk Approval. I think that means, they got the aasa file right, but the content was inappropriate. That's what I guess right now.

This is my aasa file { "messagefilter": { "apps": ["(TEAMID).(APP BUNDLE ID)", "(TEAMID).(EXTENSION BUNDLE ID"] } }

I think there is nothing wrong. I tried the search and use GPT but, there is no solution left so I posted here.

I also tried "sudo swcutil verify" on terminal and the result was "pattern matched".

If you have any tips or insights, please help this poor guy. Thanks.

Message Filtering Extention Not Working (Site/Fmwk Approval: denied)