IOKit with Swift

I have some Objective C code, that I can not find the equivalent for Swift (many symbols are not present). It just lists all serial devices that match a prefix:

+ (NSArray*)serialDevicesWithPrefix:(NSString*)prefix  {
    NSMutableArray* modems=[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
    kern_return_t   kernResult;
    mach_port_t masterPort  ;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  classesToMatch;
    io_iterator_t matchingServices;
    NSString* serialDevice=@"/dev/cu.";
    serialDevice=[serialDevice stringByAppendingString:prefix];
    // Lets find all serial device types ;
    // Get the port for communications to kernal
    kernResult = IOMainPort(kIOMainPortDefault, &masterPort) ;
    if (kernResult == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        // We got a good result!
        classesToMatch = IOServiceMatching(kIOSerialBSDServiceValue) ;
        if (classesToMatch != NULL) {
            // Now, we need to say we are looking for RS232 type of connections
            // Each serial device object has a property with key
            // kIOSerialBSDTypeKey and a value that is one of
            // kIOSerialBSDAllTypes, kIOSerialBSDModemType,
            // or kIOSerialBSDRS232Type. You can change the
            // matching dictionary to find other types of serial
            // devices by changing the last parameter in the above call
            // to CFDictionarySetValue.
            CFDictionarySetValue(classesToMatch, CFSTR(kIOSerialBSDTypeKey), CFSTR(kIOSerialBSDRS232Type));
            kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(masterPort, classesToMatch, &matchingServices);
            if (kernResult == KERN_SUCCESS) {
                // We did something!
                // Matching serveres are the ones that "match" our need, now we have to loop through that and get the names
                io_object_t     modemService;
                while ((modemService = IOIteratorNext(matchingServices))) {
                    CFTypeRef   deviceFilePathAsCFString;
                    // Get the callout device's path (/dev/cu.xxxxx).
                    // The callout device should almost always be
                    // used. You would use the dialin device (/dev/tty.xxxxx) when
                    // monitoring a serial port for
                    // incoming calls, for example, a fax listener.
                    deviceFilePathAsCFString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(modemService,CFSTR(kIOCalloutDeviceKey),kCFAllocatorDefault,0);
                    if (deviceFilePathAsCFString) {
                        // We got it!
                        NSString* currentModem=(__bridge_transfer NSString *)deviceFilePathAsCFString;
                        if ([currentModem hasPrefix:serialDevice]) {
                            [modems addObject:currentModem];
                    IOObjectRelease(modemService) ; // We need to release it!
                // We should release our iterator
                IOObjectRelease(matchingServices) ;
    return modems ;
Does anyone have ideas?
import IOKit
import IOKit.serial

Thanks. I had the IOKit but not the IOKit.serial

IOKit with Swift