'LaunchIsDefaultLaunchKey' key in the Notification parameter in applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification)

The notification parameter in DidFinishLaunching contains a key LaunchIsDefaultLaunchKey which according to Apple documentation is:

The value for this key is an NSNumber containing a Boolean value. The value is false if the app was launched to open or print a file, to perform a Service action, if the app had saved state that will be restored, or if the app launch was in some other sense not a default launch. Otherwise its value will be true.

I m not able to understand the exact usecase for this parameter, like where can we make use of this parameter.

Can I use this key to identify If my application was launched using a universal link?

'LaunchIsDefaultLaunchKey' key in the Notification parameter in applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification)