CPListImageRowItem customisation

Hi I was trying to design the above UI, But using the below code of CPListImageRowItem

func templateApplicationScene(_ templateApplicationScene: CPTemplateApplicationScene,
                               didConnect interfaceController: CPInterfaceController) {

    self.interfaceController = interfaceController

    // Create a list row item with images
    let item = CPListImageRowItem(text: "Category", images: [UIImage(named: "cover.jpeg")!, UIImage(named: "cover2.jpeg")!, UIImage(named: "discover.jpeg")!, UIImage(named: "thumbnail.jpeg")!])

    // Create a list section
    let section = CPListSection(items: [item])

    // Create a list template with the section
    let listTemplate = CPListTemplate(title: "Your Template Title", sections: [section])

    // Set the template on the interface controller
    interfaceController.setRootTemplate(listTemplate, animated: true)

I was getting only header and below image items but detailed text under images are no way to set.

can any one help me out of this

Hi! There is new API available in today's iOS 17.4 beta to add subtitles below each image in the CPListImageRowItem. Please give it a try!

CPListImageRowItem customisation