Hi I was trying to design the above UI, But using the below code of CPListImageRowItem
func templateApplicationScene(_ templateApplicationScene: CPTemplateApplicationScene,
didConnect interfaceController: CPInterfaceController) {
self.interfaceController = interfaceController
// Create a list row item with images
let item = CPListImageRowItem(text: "Category", images: [UIImage(named: "cover.jpeg")!, UIImage(named: "cover2.jpeg")!, UIImage(named: "discover.jpeg")!, UIImage(named: "thumbnail.jpeg")!])
// Create a list section
let section = CPListSection(items: [item])
// Create a list template with the section
let listTemplate = CPListTemplate(title: "Your Template Title", sections: [section])
// Set the template on the interface controller
interfaceController.setRootTemplate(listTemplate, animated: true)
I was getting only header and below image items but detailed text under images are no way to set.
can any one help me out of this