NEPacketTunnelProvider for specific Apps or Domains

Hi everyone. I wrote VPN application used packet tunnel provider. Now i want to setup to provide functionality, to allow turn on just for specific applications. I saw apps provide to setup this functionality, like select the list of apps where VPN will work, some of them has a big list.

As i understand i need Per app vpn or i need to setup Rules for NEVPNManager, could someone provide the documentation, or the link to sample, how that feature works?

As i understand i need per-app vpn


Note that per-app VPN has significant deployment restrictions, and these vary by platform. Also, if you’re on macOS you have other options, like a transparent proxy. TN3134 Network Extension provider deployment has all the details.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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NEPacketTunnelProvider for specific Apps or Domains