Merchant Domain Verified successfully but Verify button still active and expiration date unchanged

We have multiple domains that were about to expire and we've verified them without any issue but the Verify button is still present and active and the expiration date hasn't changed:

Found only one post related to our situation:

Will removing and then adding them again fix this? We have multiple domains in this situation.

Update: We have successfully verified all the certificates by redoing them one day before the expiration date (3rd of January) and on the expiration date. Just the normal procedure, nothing more, nothing less and it worked. All cert are Verified and updated their expiration date correctly. As you can see from the date of the 1st post, we were trying to renew them 1 month in advance and that appears it doesn't work every time.

TL;DR: Verify them on the day they expire.

A registered domain’s verification expires when its SSL certificate expires. So if you don't update your SSL certificate with new one (i.e. new expiration date), then even if you verify again, nothing change.

Merchant Domain Verified successfully but Verify button still active and expiration date unchanged