Ads Attribution with Firebase without IDFA consent

Hi everyone,

I'm using the Firebase SDK in my app, and I'm planning to monitor ad attribution. The primary reason is to determine how many sales are generated from ads. After exploring ad attribution, I see two options:

  1. Use Firebase for ad attribution – this appears to be the quickest and easiest method.
  2. Implement it myself and send the data to my server.

However, I don't want to ask users for IDFA consent. All I need is the standard payload response, and I understand that I don't need consent for that data. Managing this data with my server is more of a hassle compared to using Firebase. So, is there a way to use Firebase without asking for consent? Just to retrieve the standard data that doesn't require consent anyway.

Thank you for your help!

Did you find a solution to this? I also don't want to track anything except for sales on ads. It's a weird choice from Apple that they don't show this in App Store Connect but instead make us rely on the potentially unsafe partners they have

Ads Attribution with Firebase without IDFA consent