How to change keychain password by command

Hi everyone,

I would like to change other user account's password from an account with root privilege. I've read and tried the following steps.

  1. login to an account (user1) with root privilege and open the terminal
  2. execute "dscl . -passwd /Users/user2 oldPw newPw"
  3. execute "su - user2"
  4. enter user2's password (i.e., newPw)
  5. execute "security set-keychain-password -o oldPw -p newPw /Users/user2/Library/Keychain/login.keychain-db"

When I logout user1 and login user2, the system popup "This Mac can't connect to iCloud because of a problem with {Apple id}". It seems that the iCloud keychain is broken. Also, we need to enter oldPw to unlock "> System Preferences > Passwords", but not the newPw. (ps: we can login user2 and unlock user2's login.keychain-db with newPw)

However, if we change user2's password in user2's terminal as follows. Everything works fine.

  1. login to user2 and open the terminal
  2. execute "dscl . -passwd /Users/user2 oldPw newPw"
  3. execute "security set-keychain-password -o oldPw -p newPw /Users/user2/Library/Keychain/login.keychain-db"

I've tested this issue on macOS 12.6.9 and 14.1.2. Both of them have this problem. Is this a bug or how can I fix this? (e.g., change iCloud keychain password?) Thanks.

How to change keychain password by command