I'm building up a data frame for the sole purpose of using that lovely textual grid output. I'm getting output without any issue, but I'm trying to sort out how I might apply a formatter to a specific column so that print(dataframeInstance)
"just works" nicely. In my use case, I'm running a function, collecting its output - appending that into a frame, and then using TabularData to get a nice output in a unit test, so I can see the patterns within the output.
I found https://developer.apple.com/documentation/tabulardata/column/description(options:), but wasn't able to find any way to "pre-bind" that to a dataframe Column when I was creating it. (I have some double values that get a bit "excessive" in length due to the joys of floating point rounding)
Is there a way of setting a formatter on a column at creation time, or after (using a property) that could basically use the same pattern as that description
method above?