Accessing iOS Device Serial Number to Comply with German KassenSichV

Hey there,

in order to comply with the German law, especially the KassenSichV for cash register systems it is necessary to access the "manufacturer issued unique device serial number" and log it in the sales history, as well as print it on the receipt for the customer.

Is there any way to access the device serial number through .NET Maui, or even Swift?

Thank you in advance!

There is no public API to get the serial number. That would be a massive privacy vulnerability.

If your point-of-sale iPad devices are managed, then maybe you could push down an app-readable setting or file with each device’s own serial number. (But I’m no MDM expert.) Or worst case, you could manually provision each device by copy-and-paste from the Settings > General > About screen into your app. Hopefully this would satisfy the legal requirement.

Accessing iOS Device Serial Number to Comply with German KassenSichV