Instruments in XCode 15.0.1 does not support CPU counters in A16(iPhone 14 Pro Max) with iOS 17.1?

Instruments in XCode 14 used to support CPU counters in A16 with iOS 16.x, but after I upgrade iOS to 17.1 and also XCode to 15.0.1, In "CPU Counters", it says "CPU Name: Unsupported" and thus I cannot choose "Sample by" events etc.

Found some link on this:

Please help to confirm this is some known issue, and if so, how to fix it.


The CPU Counters instrument should be able to identify the CPUs of all public Apple hardware. The information for the A17 processors (which the SO question talks about) is available starting in iOS 17.1. Given that you are targeting an older processor (A16) and are already using iOS 17.1, this should work. Can you please file a feedback specifying the device model of the iPhone you are using, as well as the iOS version, and the macOS and Xcode version you are using on the host Mac?

Apple Team, I am also seeing the same issue. Is there any way to fix this?

Hi all,

The fix has been released in iOS 17.5 and aligned builds for other platforms like tvOS and watchOS. It should be independent from the exact version of Instruments you're using, but we're recommending using recent Instruments to pickup any related bug fixes. Please let us know if you're facing any issues around counters.



Instruments in XCode 15.0.1 does not support CPU counters in A16(iPhone 14 Pro Max) with iOS 17.1?