Need to exclude Watch from Info plist

So I have an iOS app that I inherited written in MS Visual Studio and it worked last year. I had to update it with a new cert and when I did, now I get this error when publishing via Transporter:

Asset validation failed (90906) Missing Info.plist value. A value for the key “WKApplication”, or “WKWatchKitApp” if your project has a WatchKit App Extension target, is required in “” bundle. For details, see: (ID: 629ed136-f531-4079-87c2-f91ee6bdcc58)

Now I tried adding to the Info.plist:





That however had no effect. Any thoughts on how to bypass this?

@Crusader23 Hi, We are experiencing the same problem. Have you managed to find a solution to this?

Need to exclude Watch from Info plist