Textfield bug after upgrading to IOS 17.0

I have a textfield to allow users to input their numbers. It works well until I upgrade to IOS 17.0 yesterday. After upgrading to IOS 17.0, the number input by user can't be cleared when user wants to input another number. More specifically, the last figure can't be deleted.For example, the user originally input 50, and he/she wants to delete it to input another figure. But 5 can't be deleted and only 0 is deleted. So user can't input a new number in the textfield. Is a bug from IOS17.0? How can I fix it. My code about the textfield is as following: TextField("Focus Time", value: $userViewModel.focusTime, format: .number) .frame(width: 220, height: nil) .keyboardType(.numberPad) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) .font(Font.system(size: 25, design: .default)) .multilineTextAlignment(TextAlignment.center) .focused($textIsFocused1) .onTapGesture { textIsFocused1.toggle() }

Is it SwiftUI app ?

I tested your code with Xcode 15.0.1 on iOS 17.0 simulator and it works.

Could you post complete code, so that we can try to reproduce ?

Has anyone been able to resolve this? I have been put in the awkward position of apologizing to my app users for an iOS 17 issues that is clearly out of my control.

Textfield bug after upgrading to IOS 17.0