Quickly navigating to second UImenu item after opening menu returns VoiceOVer focus to first UImenu item

I am facing an accessibility issue and am looking for a workaround. I have already submitted feedback on the bug but I have not received any communication so I am posting here in case others face the same issue or have an idea for a workaround.

Here is the issue: When I quickjly navigate to second UIMenu item after opening a UImenu, VoiceOver focus returns to first UIMenu item.

To reproduce the issue: Go to files app (the default Apple Files app) Enable VoiceOver Navigate to kebab (...) menu in top right corner Double tap to open menu When menu is open, quickly swipe to navigate to second UIMenu item

Notice VoiceOver focus returns to first menu option.

I expect VoiceOver focus to respect user's navigation and focus on second navigation item.

I've uploaded a video to demonstrate the behavior on Files app.


Hello and thank you for taking the time to file feedback and write about your issue! Could you please post the feedback ID number (starting with FB) here and I can make sure it's being properly tracked in our internal system? Thank you!

Quickly navigating to second UImenu item after opening menu returns VoiceOVer focus to first UImenu item