Cannot pair watch simulator with iPhone simulator, Xcode 15


When I open Watch application on any of my IPhone simulators it says "Simulator Not Paired"... you can pair in Xcode Devices window.

The problem is that there is no "PAIRED WATCHES" section there like shown in the help.

when I run the xcrun simctl list command I see a lot of devices listed and even some paired. See the command output below. The problem started when I installed Xcode 15. When I had Xcode 14 the watches were paired with the devices and everything worked. I can actually only see the IPhone 15s and watches with watchOS 9.4 and 10. May be that is a part of the problem. Do I have to somehow delete them all and reinstall the latest?


Ok. So I found the solution here: The Xcode 15 does not come with pre-configured simulator pair so you have to run this in the terminal to pair them: xcrun simctl pair WATCH_UDID IPHONE_UDID

Cannot pair watch simulator with iPhone simulator, Xcode 15