xcode crashes after trying to build my code for a second time


I have recently started coding in c++, using xcode's command line tool (university project). Ever since I started using this Apple made app on my 2022 macbook air M2, I am battling a major issue. Every time I try to either build my project for the second time or to clear the console, after I have made some input through the console, the Xcode crashes. I've been looking for the solution for weeks now, even reinstalled the whole xcode app, but nothing helped. I will be very much grateful for any suggestions... thanks. Here is one of my codes, where the issue appears:

// Hlavickove soubory
#include <stdlib.h>  // Standardni knihovna
#include <stdio.h>   // Standardni input, output
#include <math.h>    // Matematicka knihovna

#define N_MAX 100

// Samotny program
int main()      // Zahlavi hlavni funkce
    int n, max, i, souradnice_je_0;         // Definice promennych a jejich nastaveni do vychozich hodnot
    float a[N_MAX], ap, gp, hp;
    souradnice_je_0 = 1;
    max = 100;
    ap = 0;
    gp = 1;
    hp = 0;
    printf("\n Zadej dimenzi vektoru n: ");
    scanf("%i", &n);        // Zadani poctu dimenzi
    if(n>N_MAX)     // Osetreni maxima dimenzi
        printf("\n Chyba v datech: Zadaná dimenze n musí být menší než %i", max);
        goto Znovu;
    else if(n<=0)     // Osetreni kladnosti dimenzi
        printf("\n Chyba v datech: Zadaná dimenze n musí být větší než 0");
        goto Znovu;
        if(n == 1)        // Kontrola gramatiky:Dd
            printf("\n Vektor má %i dimenzi", n);
        else if(n>1 and n<5)
            printf("\n Vektor má %i dimenze", n);
            printf("\n Vektor má %i dimenzí", n);
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)      // Zadani souradnic vektoru
        printf("\n Zadej hodnotu x[%i] souřadnici vektoru: ", i);
        scanf("%f", &a[i]);
        printf("x[%i] = %g",i, a[i]);
        if(a[i] == 0)         // Kontrola zda a[i] je 0 kvuli h.p.
            ap = ap + a[i];     // Arit. prumer 1. cast
            gp = gp * a[i];     // Geom. prumer 1. cast
            souradnice_je_0 = 0;       // Switch kvuli deleni nulou
            ap = ap + a[i];           // Arit. prumer 1. cast
            gp = gp * a[i];           // Geom. prumer 1. cast
            hp = hp + (1 / a[i]);     // Harm. prumer 1. cast
        souradnice_je_0 = 0;       // Switch kvuli deleni nulou
    ap = ap /n;           // Arit. prumer 2. cast
    printf("\n Aritmeticky prumer je: %g", ap);
    if(gp>=0)           // Nelze odmocnit zaporne cislo
        gp = pow(gp, 1./n);     // Geom. prumer 2. cast
        printf("\n Geometricky prumer je: %g", gp);
        printf("\n Geometricky prumer neni pro zadany vektor definovan");
    if(souradnice_je_0 == 0)
        printf("\n Harmonicky prumer neni pro zadany vektor definovan \n");
        hp = n / hp;        // Harm. prumer 2. cast
        printf("\n Harmonicky prumer je: %g \n", hp);
    return 0;

after I have made some input through the console, the Xcode crashes.

So Xcode itself is crashing? That’s not good.

That crash should generate a crash report. Please post an example here, using the instructions in Posting a Crash Report. That might give us a hint as to where things are going wrong in Xcode.

If you create a new project from the macOS > Command Line Tool template, does it crash? Does that change if you modify your project to read a value from the console? So, something like this:

std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";
int n = 0;
scanf("%i", &n);
std::cout << n << std::endl;

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

I can't seem to be able to attach the file to my original post.

Generally one just posts a reply with it as an attachment.

[Fexe sent me the crash report via another channel so I’m replying based on that.]

The crash report shows this:

Application Specific Backtrace 0:
0   CoreFoundation    … __exceptionPreprocess + 176
1   DVTFoundation     … DVTFailureHintExceptionPreprocessor + 388
2   libobjc.A.dylib   … objc_exception_throw + 60
3   CoreFoundation    … -[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:].cold.1 + 0
4   CoreFoundation    … -[NSConstantDictionary objectForKey:] + 0
5   SourceEditor      … $s12SourceEditor0ab4DataA0C17deleteTextInRangeyAA0aB8PositionVSnyAFGF + 2300
6   IDEConsoleKit     … $s13IDEConsoleKit0A4ViewC21removeAllConsoleItems33_16D2ADED863F10BE3A741D5B18B494B7LLyy…
7   IDEConsoleKit     … $s13IDEConsoleKit0A4ViewC10setMatchesyySaySo0A4ItemCGF + 712
8   IDEConsoleKit     … $s13IDEConsoleKit0A13FilterManagerC13filterConsole33_2971D1EE5E4DDD5D099E1A896C78B97ALL…
9   IDEConsoleKit     … $sIeg_IeyB_TR + 28
10  DVTFoundation     … $sIeg_IeyB_TR + 28
11  DVTFoundation     … __DVT_CALLING_CLIENT_BLOCK__ + 16
12  DVTFoundation     … __DVTDispatchAsync_block_invoke + 48
13  libdispatch.dylib … _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32

This is clearly related to Xcode’s text editor. That’s interesting, but not helpful.

Anyway, you should definitely file a bug against Xcode about this. Please post your bug number, just for the record.

As to how to get around this, you didn’t answer my earlier question:

If you create a new project from the macOS > Command Line Tool template, does it crash? Does that change if you modify your project to read a value from the console?

Also, try creating a new local user on your Mac and see if the problem reproduces there. That’ll tell you whether the issue is tied to your user account for some reason.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"


so, I have just tested the trick with the new user. Unfortunately the issue is the same:/.

To reply your question: When I create a new short project, even if it reads one value from the console, everything is fine. The issue appears only when working with longer and more complex as the one I have provided earlier.

I have filed a bug number FB13394560 with no answer so far...

Any other ideas?:D

Thanks again, I hope to hear from you soon. ŠP - mail:"petru."+"simoun"+"@gmail.com"

xcode crashes after trying to build my code for a second time