Why does iOS 17.1 stop supporting `Shift_JIS` encoding with QR codes?

Hi all,

I've not found any articles about this change: iOS Camera app can no longer decode a QR code encoded with Shift_JIS.

  • Sample QR code:

  • Text: こんにちは

  • iOS 17.0.2: detected and decoded successfully

  • iOS 17.1: detected but couldn't decode the value

I also created simple app for scanning QR code (based on tutorial a https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/media/how-to-scan-a-qr-code and it has the same results. I cannot find a way to inject the corresponding to AVCaptureMetadataOutput

Is this a bug of iOS 17.1 or an expected update? PS: The same behavior still persists in iOS 17.1.1


Why does iOS 17.1 stop supporting `Shift_JIS` encoding with QR codes?