Unity3D: Not getting Universal Link data in Application.absoluteURL and Application.deepLinkActivated

I'm having some issues regarding iOS Universal Links and Unity. I want to open my app and fetch the user id when user clicks on the deep link https://refer.mydomain.com/?userid=123456. I have uploaded the apple-app-site-association file to my domain's https://refer.mydomain.com/.well-known/ directory which contains the following data:

  "applinks": {
    "apps": [],
    "details": [
        "appID": "ACBJSD1234.com.******.*****",
        "paths": ["*"]

I have also tried this syntax:

  "applinks": {
      "details": [
             "appIDs": [ "ACBJSD1234.com.******.*****" ],
             "components": [
                  "/": "*"

I have validated both the data using https://branch.io/resources/aasa-validator/ and it shows as valid.

I have also added the Associated Domain capability to the entitlement file with the domain: applinks:refer.mydomain.com. Now I have used the event listener provided by Unity to detect the deep link that is used to open the app. Now the thing is, my app is getting opened when I click on the link, but I'm not getting the deeplink data inside Unity. My doubt is that maybe my apple-app-site-association file is not properly set. Can anyone help?

Unity3D: Not getting Universal Link data in Application.absoluteURL and Application.deepLinkActivated