Provisioning Profile

Hi all

I have made an application on Windows Adobe Animate /Air ios. when I tried to get a provisioning profile from Adobe, they said I would have to get this from Apple. So I had to join an Apple developers program which I did at a cost of £79 non-refundable. I began to make up my Provisioning profile on apple developers site and at the very end of the process it told me to press a dedicated button on my Apple computer well I don't have an Apple computer that's why I made the application on Windows Adobe Animate with Air ios converter. When I pointed this out to Adobe their reply was to ask Apple if there is a way round this problem. Well I am asking you guys, is there a way round this? Alan

it told me to press a dedicated button on my Apple computer

It’s hard to offer advice here without knowing more about this “dedicated button”. Most of these Developer website processes are described in the Developer Account Help. With reference to that, what process are you following and where did you get stuck?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Provisioning Profile