Sending MSMessage in iOS 17 Simulator Fails

Using iOS 17 I notice when I compose an MSMessage and insert it into the active conversation and send it in the simulator the message does not appear in the the message thread.

The didStartSending(_ message: MSMessage, conversation: MSConversation) function is called when the message is sent, but there are no errors.

I'm expecting there is an error with iOS 17 Simulator and sending messages. Also, being able to debug sending a message and going to the receiver to open the message still crashes. I hope this gets solved as well as it makes it very hard to test iMessage apps.

I have noticed the same thing on my physical device, when trying to send an MSMessage on iOS 17.2, the message does not appear and no errors appear. Clicking on a MSMessage in iOS17.2 (where the MSMessage was previously sent from iOS 16) also fails to load with no error. Not only does it not work in the simulator, but also my production app currently on the App Store.

I am also unable to debug the Messages Extension App in XCode, building works fine but when it goes to run on my physical device, XCode itself will crash every time.

I can report that both MSConversation.sendText(_:completionHandler:) and MSConversation.insertText(_:completionHandler:) are completely broken for me since iOS17. is also not working.

All of the above are broken without emitting any errors.

Sending MSMessage in iOS 17 Simulator Fails