Unable to Add for Review XCode 15.1 build

Xcode Version 15.0.1 (15A507) SwiftUI iOS build successfully loads and runs in TestFlight. When I try to submit the build for review, I get:

Unable to Add for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed.

Answered by Developer Program Support in 771127022

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues with this specific build of Xcode, please contact Apple Developer Support.

Found a workaround, check my reply

i believe error is not in Xcode, I used it the day before and worked fine...

APPLE, please fix

I also reported to support. case ID is 102138547336. Please do the same

use xcode 15.0... this work.. but...15.0 has font problem...:(

same here, commenting for visibility and notification

Same issue


Same error...

Did older Xcode version worked for anybody?

Same here


Same here, 15.0.1, App was accepted in TestFlight

c'mon man! ***

Same here...

Hello, thank you for these reports. We believe we have resolved this issue. If you continue to experience issues with this specific build of Xcode, please contact Apple Developer Support.

Issue is fixed by apple. I was able to submit.

Unable to Add for Review XCode 15.1 build