App publish with intranet calls

Hello, I was publishing for my organization a new IOS App (for IPhone devices).

This App use intranet endpoints to consume apis and auth services, and will be published under our company store and using our MDM.

The idea is that the MDM install an in-app vpn when you install the aplication, and it works in the IOS device.

During revision phase in applestore connect, the app was rejected, and they expose that app does not work (because if you haven't conexion to intranet, the app is in white and can't be used).

What is the proper way to proceed? I mean, I has been 4 days talking in the revision comments, and they don't provide me a clear solution.

They told me that the app should have a "demo" version. But, what I consider we can do is expose temporally to internet same services that the app use, and update a binary file using internet ednpoints to be validated, and later, change them to intranet endpoint in a new binary, but I don't know if for the second revision I would get a new rejection...

They didn't provide me feeback about what to do in this cases, and redirected me to this forum...

The idea is only use this application under our VPN organization, and only use intranet endpoint for security reasons we have under the application.

Do you have a same issue or you know better about the way to proceed?

If you have an enterprise account and it'an employees only app, you don't need to go thru Apple Appstore to distribute internally.

You could put the app on the intranet and let your user download it from there.

There are many ways to distribute apps. Based on your description it sounds like you are attempting to distribute the app as a regular App Store app, which is inappropriate for an app that only works with access to an internal network. I suggest reviewing this article for other distribution options: Intro to content distribution for Apple devices.

App publish with intranet calls