12.9 inch iPad Simulator not presenting SpriteNodes correctly for Xcode

12.9 inch iPad Simulator not presenting SpriteNodes correctly for Xcode

When I generate my SKScene, I use

ourScene.scaleMode = .aspectFill

I then display several SKShapeNodes, e.g.,

let roomWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
let roomHeight = UIScreen.main.bounds.height
let circleRadius = 30.0
itsStatusNode = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: circleRadius)
let circleOffsetX = 95.0
let circleOffsetY = 70.0
let circlePosX = roomWidth/2  - circleRadius - circleOffsetX
let circlePosY = roomHeight/2 - circleRadius - circleOffsetY
itsStatusNode.position = CGPoint(x: circlePosX, y: circlePosY)


The above Code works for all Xcode Simulators:

iPad (10th Generation)
iPad Air (5th Generation)
iPad Pro (11 inch) (4th Generation)
iPad Mini (6th Generation)

except the iPad (12.9 inch )(6th Generation)

For example, these work for all except the 12.9"

circleOffsetX = 95.0
circleOffsetY = 70.0 

circleOffsetX = 70.0
circleOffsetY = 95.0 

For just the 12.9" these work

circleOffsetX = 190.0
circleOffsetY = 145.0 

circleOffsetX = 150.0
circleOffsetY = 190.0 

I have seen other reports that point other errors out for just the 12.9 inch Simulator.

Or, is this one of many examples when I have to upload the App to a real Device such as my iPad or Apple TV?

FWIW, I only have a iPad Mini, not the 12.9 inch version

As always, thanks bunches for just reading this.

The thought of selecting offsets based on width & height of Simulator is totally repulsive ...

So there's gotta be an optimum solution.

For what it's worth,

Mini size = 744 X 1133,
11" Pro size = 834 X 1194,
Air size = 820 X 1180,
12.9" size = 1024 X 1366

for Portrait orientation.

12.9 inch iPad Simulator not presenting SpriteNodes correctly for Xcode