Apple, please take this on board

Downloading Xcode used to be reliable. Now it only takes a single sub-second outage of your network to kick the download into oblivion and make it start again.

Please can you put fault tolerance and recivery back into App Store for downloads. Not only does it take 10x as long with all the restarts, on some networks (like Starlink) where sub-second disconnects are expected, it uses up your entire data allowance by (for example) downloading 99% of the 3.21GB and then starting again, and again, and again....

I've reported this on feedback assistant, but did not get a repsonse.

Alternativey do we need to go back to days of Mac OSX Tiger and ship developer CDs! I remeber getting my first developer kit back in the day, in a big box full of CDs and printed manuals! I think I still have them somewhere... and UPS would turn up every now and again with updates on CD! Ahhh....

  • I have Google Fiber and if there's any kind of delay during an Xcode download, it fkn dies here too.

    So while I am not suffering to the same extent you are, I can definitely corroborate your experience.


  • I've also seen this on a cell phone connection once a few months ago, and that time it was truly painful having to restart the download.

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I do not have such issue, even when I stop downloading or change network during download. Download stops and resumes gently when new wifi connection ready.

Do you experience such problem only with Xcode or also with different downloads ?

Are you sure problem comes from Apple server side or from your Starling connection ? Could it be that Starling starts a completely new session when interrupted, causing server to loose track ?

Where do you download from ? Appstore ?

I prefer downloading from other sites, such as:

It is unfortunate you only have Starling to download such large files (even worse knowing you will add 5 or 6 GB to download simulators for other targets).

@Claude31 Thanks for your reply. It's only Xcode (when downloading Simulators) and App Store (when downloading anything). For everything else, such as Chrome, they all work perfectly as expected, and cope well with any interruptions.

Just for info: this is a brand new, M2 mac Mini. With a wired ethernet connection to a switch, and from there to the Starlink router.