How to check status of apns-unique-id

Hi there,

I am hitting this curl request and getting 200 response code ( curl -v -d '{"aps":{"alert":"Test VoIP Push","sound":"default"}}' \

 -H "apns-topic:" \

 -H "apns-push-type: voip" \

 -H "authorization: bearer ${JWT}" \

 --http2 \

 --cert /Users/md/Documents/Chilll\ Certificates/voip_services_dev.pem \ )

but I want to check the status of the VoIP token, In this case I'm getting 405 response code and this error - {"reason":"MethodNotAllowed"} when hitting this curl request (curl -v -X GET \

-H "apns-topic:" \
 -H "authorization: bearer ${JWT}" \

 --http2 \ ).

So I'm kind of stuck. Could you please assist me with the solution as soon as possible.


Mahesh Kumar

Thanks for your valuable response.

But we need to check the status of apns-unique-id from our server or backend. So please provide us with the correct URL or API's.

I'm use the following apns VoiP token 4b4a3fbf7c0e91fb1ee54e562a621467e21275c8ea1afc78ae6c5303cd765464 and apns-unique-id 75556da2-cd29-4113-3354-3f3969c0a7de

How to check status of apns-unique-id