Core Motion on vision pro (specifically getting user's heading relative to north)

hi there,

one thing i'm working on for the vision pro requires knowing the user's heading relative to north (magnetic or true). basically it's working with objects located using geo coordinates, and getting an angle of the direction the user is facing relative to them.

on iOS and watchOS, i can use CMMotionManager's CMDeviceMotion heading property. looking at the docs it says this heading is there for visionOS, as is the xMagneticNorthZVertical reference frame.. however it seems like there is no magnetometer?

it's a bit hard to tell in the simulator since isDeviceMotionAvailable, isAccelerometerAvailable and isGyroAvailable all return false. while isMagnetometerAvailable is a compile error (unavailable in visionOS).

is there - or will there be - a way i can get the user's heading relative to north?

Answered by Engineer in 767787022

Heading information is not available on visionPro. Although the Core Location team would love to hear about your use case with details of your needs. The best would be to submit a Feedback Report.

Please submit a complete report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant ( For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit

Important: For feedback related to CoreLocation framework, select "Developer Technologies & SDKs" as your Topic, then select the specific technology and relevant OS.

Accepted Answer

Heading information is not available on visionPro. Although the Core Location team would love to hear about your use case with details of your needs. The best would be to submit a Feedback Report.

Please submit a complete report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant ( For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit

Important: For feedback related to CoreLocation framework, select "Developer Technologies & SDKs" as your Topic, then select the specific technology and relevant OS.

awesome - i've submitted a report here: FB13253394


Core Motion on vision pro (specifically getting user's heading relative to north)